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1 Name and Purpose
2 Organizational Structure and Responsibilities
3 Bylaws, Policies and Procedures, and Membership
4 Records
5 Dissolution

1 Name and Purpose
1.1 Name
The name of this organization shall be the Lindley Park Neighborhood Association, hereinafter referred to as the LPNA.
1.2 Vision and Purpose
The vision of the LPNA is to advocate and support the development of a vibrant, sustainable, and healthy neighborhood that reflects both the history and potential for Lindley Park.
1.2.1 The LPNA is committed to:

  • Maintaining the Lindley Park Neighborhood Plan as adopted by the Greensboro City Council of August 17, 2004;

  • Achieving a sense of community and security by encouraging responsibility, involvement, and pride among all residents and owners;

  • Healthy and active relationships with other neighborhood groups, civic organizations, and government agencies;

  • Managing change while ensuring livable density, a diversity of architectural styles, and a well-maintained neighborhood;

  • Preserving and promoting public and private green spaces;

  • Respecting, recognizing, and maintaining ethnic, family, socio-economic, and culturaldiversity;

  • Safe, walkable streets;

  • Supporting local businesses and services;

  • A built environment compatible with the above goals.

2 Organizational Structure and Responsibilities
2.1 The LPNA General Council
2.1.1 The LPNA General Council is the principal representative, governing, and policy-recommending body of the LPNA. Its role is to maintain the vision and purpose of the LPNA.
2.1.2 Participation in the LPNA General Council is open to all members in good standing.
2.1.3 The LPNA General Council will hold a general meeting on the last Tuesday of January, May, and September at an appropriate venue in the neighborhood.
2.1.4 In the event of weather or such other circumstances, the Executive Committee may alter the date and time of the LPNA General Council meetings.
2.1.5 Quorum for LPNA General Council meetings is seven (7) members in good standing.
2.1.6 Special meetings of the LPNA General Council may be called by the Chair at the written request of seven (7) members of the LPNA General Council. No business other than that for which a special meeting is called shall be transacted.
2.2 Executive Committee
2.2.1 There shall be an Executive Committee, which shall consist of the Officers detailed in these Bylaws and the Immediate Past Chair.
2.2.2 The Executive Committee shall have the following responsibilities:


  • Maintaining the policy and direction of the LPNA consistent with 1.2.1;

  • The duty and the power to appoint a spokesperson to appear before various councils, commissions, boards, and meetings for the purpose of apprising said groups of the LPNA’s position on issues affecting the neighborhood;

  • Filling vacancies in Working Groups and remove any Working Group Chair;

  • Identifying areas for improvement of the organization;

  • Maintaining the financial health of the LPNA through the creation, maintenance, and communication of the budget; Identifying training and development of Working Groups for the long-term sustainability of the LPNA;

  • Creating and/or maintaining written policies and procedures.

2.2.3 All meetings are open to any member, but only Executive Committee members may vote on any decisions.
2.2.4 The Executive Committee members shall abide by the rules, bylaws, regulations, and written policies and procedures of the LPNA, and the lawful orders of the LPNA General Council.
2.2.5 The Executive Committee will hold a regular meetingat least once every two months at an appropriate venue in the neighborhood.
2.2.6 A quorum of the Executive Committee then serving shall constitute five (5) Executive Committee members for regular or special meeting.
2.2.7 Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the Chair at the written request of four (4) members of the Executive Committee. No business other than that for which a special meeting is called shall be transacted.
2.2.8 The Chair of the Executive Committee shall be the current LPNA Chair.
2.2.9 The Executive Committee receives no compensation other than for reasonable expenses incurred in service to the LPNA.
2.2.10 Meetings may be held in person, or via any appropriate communication tools (e.g., phone, skype, etc.)

2.3 Working Groups
To enable the vision of the LPNA to be achieved, and to encourage wider participation in the decision making of the LPNA, the LPNA has established a number of Working Groups as in sections 2.3.6 to 2.3.9.


  • Each Working Group shall be convened by a Working Group Chair appointed as specified in 2.2.2.

  • Additional Working Groups may be established at a meeting of the LPNA General Council for a term not to exceed three years.

  • Each Working Group Chair is responsible for convening a Working Group with at least two other persons.

  • Meetings may be held in person, or via any appropriate communication tools (e.g., phone, skype, etc.).

  • Each Working Group Chair shall be responsible for

  • Convening the Working Group as needed to accomplish the business of the Working Group

  • Notifying the LPNA Secretary of the time and location of any Working Group meeting according to the written policies and procedures established by the Executive Committee.

  • Providing a short summary of each meeting to the LPNA Secretary; and

  • Working Group to the Executive Committee at each Executive Committee meeting either in person or via written or electronic means.Providing a summary of the actions and activities of the

2.3.6 Government and Community Liaison

The purpose of the Government and Community Liaison Working Group is to cooperate and communicate with governmental agencies and other organizations in matters affecting the neighborhood and to work with the Executive Committee to provide representation of the LPNA at forums where these agencies and organizations are addressing such matters.

2.3.7 The Working Group shall keep informed of the needs of our area in regards to streets, sidewalks, water and sewer, parks, green spaces, or any other area of concern.

2.3.8 The Working Group shall keep abreast of proposed property re-zonings in the neighborhood and provide research on rezoning filings and report in written or oral form on them to the next Executive Committee or LPNA meeting. The report will include a determination as to whether or not the rezoning is appropriate for the neighborhood.

2.3.9 Events and Celebrations

The purpose of the Events and Celebrations Working Group is to organize and support events that help create a vibrant neighborhood.

2.3.10 The Working Group is responsible for supporting fund raising activities of the LPNA

2.3.11 The Working Group shall keep informed of the needs of members in regards to social activities and functions.

2.3.12 The Working Group will seek ways to promote friendship, understanding, social interaction and cohesiveness among our members.

2.3.13 The Working Group shall seek ways to participate in existing local, state and/or federal programs or to develop programs that are suitable to the celebratory needs of the neighborhood.

2.3.14 Healthy Neighborhood
The purpose of the Healthy Neighborhood Working Group is to create, maintain and enhance a more democratic, just, sustainable, and healthy community.

2.3.15 The Working Group will keep abreast of the recreational, health, sustainability, and similar needs of the neighborhood’s residents.

2.3.16 The Working Group shall seek ways for the LPNA to participate in local, state and federal programs or to develop programs within the Working Group’s purview that are suitable to the needs of the neighborhood.

2.3.17 Communications

The purpose of the Communications Working Group is to provide ways for members to meet and discuss issues affecting the neighborhood, and to establish and promote communication networks to inform members of such issues. The Working Group shall be responsible for:

2.3.18 Preparing, editing, and arranging for distribution of the LPNA newsletter

2.3.19 Establishing and maintaining the LPNA website, email, Facebook, and other appropriate communication tools.

2.3.20 Arranging and promoting venues for businesses and others to advertise to members according to the written policies and procedures established by the Executive Committee.

2.4 Officers and Others

2.4.1 The Officers of the LPNA shall be a Chair, a Vice Chair, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a district representative for each of the neighborhood districts as established by the LPNA General Council.

2.4.2 An annual election of Officers shall be held according to written policies and procedures established by the Executive Committee.

2.4.3 No member shall hold more than one Office at a time.

2.4.4 All Officers and Working Group Chairs shall hold their position for a minimum of one year, and no more than three, until their successors are elected, installed, and duly qualified.

2.4.5 An Officer or Working Group Chair may resign from their position by written communication to the LPNA Chair and Secretary.

2.4.6 An Officer may be removed from their position for failing to appear at three or more consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee and/or LPNA General Council meeting.

2.4.7 An Officer may be removed from their position for failure to perform the duties of that position by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee at any appropriately called meeting.\

2.4.8 In the event of a vacancy of an Office, the Executive Committee shall fill the vacancy. At the next LPNA meeting, or at a special meeting called for the purpose, members shall ratify or elect a replacement.

2.5 Duties of Officers

2.5.1 Each Officer and Working Group Chair should be familiar with, and use as a guide, for decision-making, the Lindley Park Neighborhood Plan.

2.5.2 The LPNA Chair’s responsibilities include:


  • Presiding at all meetings of the LPNA General Council and of the Executive Committee.

  • Working with the Executive Committee to establish the agenda at LPNA General Council and Executive Committee meetings.

  • Ensures the appointment of Working Group Chairs in accordance to the written policies and procedures established by the Executive Committee.

  • and provide a verbal summary at the January LPNA General Council.Present an annual report to the members in written form that is available via the LPNA website and other electronic means,

2.5.3 The LPNA Vice Chair’s responsibilities include:

  • Membership development.

  • Identification and development of potential Executive Committee members and Working Group Chairs.

  • In the absence of the LPNA Chair at any appropriately called meeting, shall take the chair, call the meeting to order, and preside.

2.5.4 The LPNA Secretary’s responsibilities include:

  • Sending out notices of all meetings of the LPNA, the Executive Committee, and Working Groups in accordance to the written policies and procedures established by the Executive Committee.

  • Conducting all official correspondence, unless otherwise provided for or requested.

  • Keeping an accurate record of the minutes of all meetings of the LPNA General Council and Executive Committee, making them available in accordance to the written policies and procedures established by the Executive Committee.

  • Keeping a full and up-to-date roster of Officers and Working Group Chairs.

  • Keep and maintain the archive of LPNA documents (e.g., minutes, newsletters, annual reports, committee reports, working group reports, etc.).

  • In the absence of the LPNA Chair and Vice Chair at any appropriately called meeting, shall take the chair, call the meeting to order, and preside until a Chair Pro-tem has been selected from the members in attendance.

  • Having access to the current Robert’s Rules.

2.5.5 The LPNA Treasurer’s responsibilities include:

  • Custodian of the LPNA’s funds in accordance to the written policies and procedures established by the Executive Committee.

  • Providing a summary report in written and oral form of the current state of the LPNA finances at all general meetings.

  • In the absence of the LPNA Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary at any appropriately called meeting, the Treasure shall take the chair, call the meeting to order, and preside until a Chair Pro-tem has been selected from the members in attendance.

2.5.6 District Representatives responsibilities include:

  • Working with the appropriate Working Groups to identify any issues and next steps impacting their district.

  • Providing a summary report of the current status of their district in accordance to the written policies and procedures established by the Executive Committee.

3 Bylaws, Policies and Procedures, and Membership
3.1 Rules

3.1.1 The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the LPNA in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws and any special rules of order the LPNA may adopt.

3.2 Amendments

3.2.1 Revision or amendments to the Bylaws may be proposed by any member. Any such proposed revision or amendments shall be submitted in writing to the LPNA Chair and Secretary not less than forty five (45) days prior to the date of the next regularly scheduled LPNA General Council meeting.

3.2.2 Proposed revisions or amendments shall be made available to LPNA members through electronic and other mechanisms at least 15 days before the meeting.

3.2.3 Proposed revisions or amendments shall be presented by the Executive Committee to the membership at such regularly scheduled meeting. A two-thirds majority of the members voting shall be required to revise or amend the Bylaws, provided a quorum is present.

3.2.4 Written policies and procedures may be created or altered by the Executive Committee at any time. Such policies and procedures shall become provisionally effective immediately upon adoption by the Executive Committee. The provisional policies and/or procedures shall then be presented for approval or rejection by the LPNA General Council during an appropriately called meeting.

3.3 Membership

3.3.1 There shall be only one class of membership in the LPNA and that class shall be known as member.

3.3.2 The LPNA is open to all persons or group of persons, and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, culture, language, national origin, age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, gender expression, education, religion, faith, socio-economic status or lived experience.

3.3.3 Members must:


  • Live in the neighborhood and/or own property in the neighborhood; and

  • Embrace, support, and subscribe to the stated purpose of the LPNA.

3.3.4 Members participate in the LPNA General Council and Working Groups, elect the Executive Committee, and amend the Bylaws.

3.4 Dues, Contributions and Finances

3.4.1 Contributions are not required for membership.

3.4.2 The Executive Committee and members will abide by the written financial policies and procedures established by the Executive Committee.

3.4.3 All LPNA members should support the fund raising projects of the LPNA, and encourage contributions to the LPNA.

3.5 Voting

3.5.1 Each member shall have one vote in all proceedings and actions coming before the LPNA General Council.

3.5.2 Each Executive Committee member shall have only one vote in all proceedings and actions coming before the Executive Committee.

3.5.3 Voting will be in accordance to the written policies and procedures established by the Executive Committee.

3.5.4 In no cases will proxy voting be allowed.

3.5.5 Except where otherwise noted, voting shall be based on a simple majority vote of the members present.


4 Records
4.1.1 All Officers and Working Groups shall keep whatever records are ordinarily and customarily consistent with that office or might otherwise be requested to be kept.

4.1.2 The LPNA shall purchase and supply to those Officers and Working Group Chairs whatever media are required to record and maintain those records.

4.1.3 All records, so kept, are the property of the LPNA.

4.1.4 All Officers and Working Group Chairs shall turn over the records of the in their possession to their duly elected successor within two (2) weeks of the installation or other times as might be required and directed.

4.1.5 Lists containing the names, addresses and telephone numbers of members are to be used for official LPNA business only. Any member entrusted with a list shall guard against allowing the information contained therein to be disseminated to non-members or to the general public. In no case will lists ever be sold or otherwise given to any individual, governmental agency, or company for the purpose of using said roster for a mailing list.


5 Dissolution
In the event of dissolution of the LPNA, the residual assets of the LPNA, after all bills, obligation, and encumbrances are paid in full, shall be turned over to the “Greensboro Beautiful” program to be used for landscaping or other beautification projects in our residential area


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