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​Short-Term Rentals (STRs)

Short Term Rentals (STRs) are nothing new for Greensboro. With our proximity to the furniture market and our designation as a Tournament Town, there has been a market here for short term rentals for years. Most STRs used to be owner-occupied single family homes or condos rented out occasionally, but many properties are now being purchased and operated by individuals and investment entities solely for short term use year-round.

STRs are governed by the City’s land development ordinance, and include new regulations that went into effect April 1, 2024, and by state laws. The regulations require owners/operators to obtain a zoning permit and include limitations such as having only two adults per bedroom, restricting publicly promoted events, and prohibiting signs advertising the rentals. They also cover taxation, with short-term rentals being subject to state and local sales tax, as well as Greensboro and Guilford County room occupancy tax. More information can be found here:
City of Greensboro Short Term Rentals.

How do we, as full-time residents of Lindley Park, ensure that STR owners/operators and guests add value to our neighborhood rather than disrupting it? At least part of the answer lies in being good neighbors ourselves. Guests choose Lindley Park for the same qualities we looked for when choosing a place to live, and as long as they respect our community, they deserve our respect as well.

In the interest of being good neighbors, the LPNA Executive Board is committed to sharing our expectations for the operation of STRs in our neighborhood. We expect them to follow all requirements as defined in the City of Greensboro’s Land Development Ordinance Sections 30-8-8.3(A) and 30-8-10.4 as well as all other regulations associated with the use and enjoyment of residential property within an established neighborhood, including but not limited to the following:


  • No more than two (2) adults allowed per bedroom rented.

  • Promoted gatherings may not involve more than two (2) times the number of people renting the property.

  • Parking is limited to one (1) car per bedroom rented.

  • Solid waste, recycling, and yard waste containers shall not be placed curbside prior to the day preceding the scheduled collection day and shall be removed within twelve (12) hours after contents are collected.

  • Sound from any source which impacts dwellings and other residential property is not allowed at any time of the day or night with the exception of yard and garden maintenance equipment between the hours of 7am and 10pm.

Who to Contact with Complaints
What happens when owners/operators or guests do not abide by the regulations and the rights of residents to have the unimpeded use and enjoyment of their own properties? Residents can contact owners/operators, the City, and vacation rental listing companies.

City of Greensboro
Planner of the Day – 336-373-4340 (For questions about permitting and/or property ownership.)
Solid waste complaints – 336-373-2489
Noise complaints – 336-373-2222 (GPD Non-emergency #)
Parking enforcement – 336-373-2489

City Services Requests
Report possible violations

Vacation Rental Listing Companies
Report a concern to Airbnb
Report a concern to Vrbo

Owner/Operator information – If the City doesn’t provide a searchable database or list, a listing of known STRs in the and their owners/operators’ contact info will be add at a later date. In the meantime, feel free to reach out to community (at) if you need assistance finding owner/operator details.

Nearby Neighbors
Get together with neighbors to provide a consistent message to owners and operators and to file multiple complaints if issues arise.

LPNA Board
Please submit addresses of currently operating STRs to community (at) Include any other information you have about the property as well as your contact information, so a Board member can reach out to you if there are questions.

To help Greensboro effectively manage Short Term Rentals (STRs) under the new ordinance, the City now offers a way for residents to report issues with STRs in their neighborhood. To report an issue or situation, call 336-387-6137.

or submit a report here.              Both options are available 24/7. Complaints will be recorded by the City’s third-party vendor who will immediately contact the STR owner/operator (“Responsible Person”) of the property. The owner/operator will handle the situation from that point forward.

Third party reporting
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